Installation view
04/07/19 - 14/07/19
This year, OUTPUT have teamed up with Liverpool Arab Arts Festival to platform a local artist and support them in producing a solo exhibition of their work here at the gallery. Selected from an open call, Yasmin Ali is an artist and curator of Somali heritage, born and raised in Liverpool. For this exhibition she is presenting work titled THIS IS ME. THIS IS US. THIS IS YOU. Her work focuses on the exploration and celebration of diverse identities. She works with a variety of mediums such as photography, poetry and film. This is Yasmin's first exhibition with OUTPUT and Liverpool Arab Arts Festival.

یاسمین علي  الجمعة 5 یولیو – الأحد 15 یولیو
أنظمت صالة عرض أوتبوت ھذا العام مع مھرجان لیفربول للثقافة والفنون العربیة لتقدیم فنانین محلیین وتشجیعھم لإنتاج معرض فردي لأعمالھم الفنیة في صالة أوتبوت.
لقد تم إختیار یاسمین علي من دعوة مفتوحة وھي فنانة ومنظمة معارض وتنحدر یاسمین من أصول صومالیة وقد ولدت وترعرعت في مدینة لیفربول. ویركز عملھا على النظر في والإحتفال بالھویات المتنوعة. وتعمل یاسمین عبر عدد من الأشكال الوسائل الفنیة مثل التصویر والشعر والفیلم. ویعتبر ھذا المعرض أول معرض تقدمھ یاسمین مع صالة أوتبوت ومھرجان لیفربول للثقافة والفنون العربیة.
Installation view
What does identity mean to you?

Identity is who you are, how you see yourself and how you live your life. But identity can sometimes be who the world thinks you are, how it sees you and how it interacts with your life. Often the two things don’t align and we’re left in a constant state of wanting to “find ourselves” and constantly asking “who am I?” Whilst this can be overwhelming, it’s also exciting as it means that identity can’t be defined. We can be anything we want to be and we are capable of doing that.

What do you want this exhibition to do?

I want this exhibition to be a celebration of identity. I want people to recognise themselves in my work but also see from a different perspective. These faces are faces that you see every day, that you think you know, but don't really. I hope that this exhibition sparks a discussion about accepting ourselves as we are and as we want to be. I just hope the viewers enjoy it or at least take something from it when they leave the gallery.

What is Halcyon?

Halcyon is an ongoing project that I started about two years ago. It is a platform for the diverse voices and experiences of Muslim women. It is a space where they can unapologetically be themselves, express their views and share their work without judgement or pressure to present in a certain way. It's also a community, created through offline events and social media engagement. You can learn more at www.halcyonmaguk.com
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view